Thursday, March 26, 2009

A first

I've got a race this weekend. Actually, this summer, I have a lot of traveling on the schedule. Lots of quick, weekend trips. As a single mom to two furkids, finding someone to watch the boys can be difficult. So I'm trying something new.

Tomorrow, I'm dropping the boys off at doggy daycare, and they are staying the night.

Daycare is not new for them. I used to take them once a week when I first got them. They LOVED it! Would come home pooped!!! The new part of this is the boarding. I've never let them stay overnight with anyone I didn't know very well.

All I can hope is that they have so much fun that they are EXHAUSTED and don't care where they sleep. It's only one night, but I'm hoping they make some new 4-legged friends and I can use this place more this summer.